• Checking and making sure that all food that are in the child’s bag are valid and food that is need to be cooled are put in the fridge until the time it be given to children.
  • Prior the child’s registration in the nursery we give the child’s parents the food policy and the allowed healthy food meals that keep their healthy growth.
  • Childs parents are required to inform the nursery administration if the child has any type of allergy against any type of food in order to take the necessary precautions and preventing the child from eating this type of food and preventing the child from sharing their friend in meals to avoid infections.
  • During the celebration of birthdays and other occasions, we will choose the appropriate time after meal to avoid spoiling the child’s appetite and eating more quantities of sweet. Encourage parents to bring appropriate types of candies and stopping any type of sweet that causes harm to the child.
  • Providing a safe drinking water so that the water coolers are properly distributed an easy way and encouraging children to drink water, especially after playing games.
  • Enlightening parents with information and advices for what makes the lunch box healthy, through awareness lectures and posting healthy meals on social media and organizing events that focus on and promote heathy food, such as the world food day in October every year.
  • Conducting a healthy meal competitions and awarding gifts and prizes for children who make a healthy meals.
  • During meal times and snacks our staff help children develop their independency autonomy by making food and drink choices and feeding their selves.
  • Children, who refuse to take their meals at the specified time, will be provided by their meal later and we will inform their parents in case they did not eat will.
  • We encourage good situations that aiming for healthy eating through games and discussions.
  • Allocating some time for the children for playing out door games as this is will help them exposure to the sunrays that is important for their bodies to enable them gain Vitamin D.
  • Making sure that all infants who drink milk are using sterilized bottles, and feeding them while their heads are rising to a 45 degree to avoid fluids accumulating behind their ears and prevent child’s asphyxia.
  • Stressing on the importance of the infants’ meals that are given to them every two hours and making sure that the meals that requires refrigeration are put into the fridge and submitted to them at the proper time. (There is a special food policy for the infants.
  • Sterilizing all bottles before preparing their milk.
  • The mentioned food are not allowed to be put in the child’s bag: - Chips, Lolli pops, Chewing gums, Soda Drinks, Nuts and artificial juices. Only we allowed fresh juice, water, milk and Laban up.
  • The teacher always take her breakfast with the children to encourage and educate them the skills of food eating.
  • We strictly stress on the importance of washing hands before and after eating meals.


  • Pay attention to measuring the children temperature daily at the time of arrival and before they are leaved and record it with statements. With attention to the examination of the child during the day in the event that appeared on the children symptoms of fatigue and lethargy.
  • In the case of sick children, the child is isolated in the clinic and parents are informed of this and provide the necessary care for the children until the parents come to pick him up.
  • Periodic inspection by the nurse on the nails of the children and cut it in case of need with a commitment to sterilize nail scissors after each use and send a report to the parents of the need to pay attention to allocate ten minutes a week to cut the nails of the child.
  • Periodic inspection of the nurse to ensure that the hair is free of lice and in the event of injury, the child is isolated in the clinic and cover the head with a medical cap and immediately contact the parents to accompany the child and not return to custody until the child is sure to clean the child, in addition to advising the mother on how to get rid of these insects
  • Availability of a doctor to monitor the health status of children at a rate once a month. In addition to periodic checks of the staff to ensure their safety.
  • A clinic is available to receive and care for sick children and a full-time nurse who is licensed by the Health Authority.
  • Do not allow any child who is sick to return to the nursery only after full recovery
  • Adhering to the drug management policy, including the need to keep the medicine in the clinic refrigerator with the obligation to close the refrigerator and not to give the safe medicine before the nurse. It is also required to give the medicine to the child to obtain a copy of the prescription or fill out the prescription form in the possession of the nurse for the dates of medication and quantity, and to check the validity of the drug before giving it to the child.
  • The presence of a form in the child's medical file allows the management of the nursery in emergencies and parents not to take the necessary health and safety measures for the child, for example taking the child to the hospital.


  • Determine the location of the trip
  • Communicate with the parties where children will be taken.
  • Define the goals of the trip so that they are linked to the educational program for the month
  • The director of the nursery visit to the place of the trip and ensure the appropriate place for children in terms of security and safety conditions and to achieve the location of the purpose of the trip and discuss with the officials of the place on the itinerary
  • Preparation of the official book of the trip and directing it to the responsible party includes preparation for children and supervisors on the trip and the date time and duration of the trip.
  • Meet with the staff to explain the objectives of the trip and place and arrange the itinerary and remind them of the safety and safety conditions to be followed to ensure the safety of children. And the distribution of roles for female employees during this trip.
  • Prepare a model for the trip to send to the parents including all the details of the trip and the obligations that are required for their children to participate in the trip.
  • The need to obtain written approvals from parents on the trip.
  • Approval of the trip from the Department of Education and Knowledge.
  • Divide the number of children on female employees and encourage to increase the number of supervisors on the trip to ensure the safety of children.
  • Inform drivers of the trip and set the start date.
  • On the day of the trip focus on the provision of breakfast for children and their processing and the requirement of uniforms for nursery to share the child with the trip.
  • Explain to the children about the journey and the laws to be followed in an easy and easy way to understand them such as staying with the supervisor and walking system and not running and leave the queue allocated to their group.
  • Preparation of lists of the trip in two copies given to the supervisors on the trip and another be with the general supervisor of the trip to determine responsibilities and ensure the safety of children. And to keep a third copy of the lists of children participating in the trip and employees accompanying the administration of the nursery.
  • Take the children to the bus and make sure to tie the belts
  • Go to the place of the trip and take care of the descent of children from the safe gate of the place for the trip with the need to accompany security men for children from the moment they get off the bus to get to the fun of the games and when they leave also.
  • During the trip, we confirm on the supervisors to escort the children and explain all the details of the location and leave the freedom of play for children to enjoy their trip.
  • At the end of the journey and return to the bus, we arrange with the security staff to escort children and to be available at the area of ​​the Games to ensure their safety until return to their parents.


  • The driver and bus supervisor have their own training and are able to act in the event of an accident.
  • Do not get off or ride to and from the bus until it is finally parked with the need to adhere to the safety belt for all children inside the bus.
  • Handing over children to the parent and not leaving the children alone in front of the house and waiting for the arrival of the parent to receive the child.
  • The driver must check the periodic maintenance of the bus and ensure the safety of tires, brakes, light signals, first aid box and fire extinguishers.
  • When you get off the bus, you should not walk in front of it or crossing it or directly behind it, but the distance between you and the bus should not be less than 2 meters, which is the danger zone possible from all directions because the presence of the child at a distance is less or injury because the driver will not be able to See the mirror or side mirror.
  • The administration should ensure that the bus driver and the supervisor of the bus perform the instructions given to them and make sure that they record all the data for the daily trips of the children and inform the administration of the day-to-day preparation of the children during daily trips and the absence of children.
  • Supervision of the security officer on daily bus trips to ensure children during the process of boarding and going down and limit the numbers.
  • Assigning an administrative officer to supervise daily bus trips.
  • In the absence of parents to receive the child should contact the administration to communicate with parents and then the management of the decision and inform the driver and the supervisor of the bus waiting to attend the parents to receive the child or return the child to custody in the absence of parents to contact the administration.


Conditions and safety guidelines for classrooms baby rooms and play rooms
  • The area for each season should be 3 square meters per child. And the need to never leave children without supervision
  • Teachers are not allowed to drink any hot drinks inside the classes if their children in the class.
  • Natural or Artificial Lighting is distributed in a sufficient way to give clear and comfortable light.
  • Provision of comfortable and healthy table that are compatible with their ages.
  • Corners and games are appropriately and orderly arranged in a way that allows free movement without obstacles.
  • Do not leave any sharp tools, whether on chairs or tables so as not to be a source of danger.
  • Availability of cabinets for keeping and maintaining personal belongings for the children must be labeled with child name and pictures.
  • Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter infants places.
  • Taking off shoes and put them on the shoe rack outside the playing room and outside the infant section to keep the rooms clean.
  • Sending the bed linens and blankets of infants every Thursday for the parents to wash, sterilize and return it on Sunday.
  • TV is not allowed in the classroom rooms and only data show is allowed.
  • Usage of pens, colors and scissors that suit children's age.
  • Using of games and educational means in each room which is suitable for the children’s age and group.
  • Covering of sharp corners in walls with safe rubber.


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Al Ain

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Phone: + 971 50 3222033

Landline: + 971 03 7677611
